Download latest version of:
64 bits installer | LogicCircuit for 64 bit Windows |
32 bits installer | LogicCircuit for 32 bit Windows |
Arm 64 bits installer | LogicCircuit for Arm 64 bit Windows |
64 bits standalone application | LogicCircuit for 64 bit Windows, no installation is needed. |
32 bits standalone application | LogicCircuit for 64 bit Windows, no installation is needed. |
Arm 64 bits standalone application | LogicCircuit for Arm 64 bit Windows, no installation is needed. |
Also here are some samples you can download and look at.
After downloading it just extract files from the zip file and double click LogicCircuitSetup.msi.
Changes in version
- Some names can be automatically fixed when exporting HDL.
- Fixed bug with marking wires as connecting pins with different bit width.
Changes in version
- Adding build for ARM 64 version of windows.
Changes in version
- Updated to latest frameworks.
- Added pin side to probes.
- Memory editing dialogs are remember your last edited cell and scroll to it when reopened.
- Sensors are now have two more types: sequential and clock in BCD format..
- Edit menu been extended to allow aligning of selected symbols.
- Some bugs are fixed.
Changes in version
- Adding support for memory modules to export to Verilog and "Nand to Tetris" HDL.
- Better export HDL UI.
Changes in version
- Adding export to Verilog and "Nand to Tetris" HDL.
- Memory modules can now read text files that have lists of numbers in decimal, hexadecimal, or binary. The numbers are separated by spaces, commas, or semicolons.
- Sensor now can output key codes of buttons currently pressed on keyboard, or the associated ASCII code.
Changes in version
- Python language is updated to version 3.4.1.
- .NET upgraded to version 8.
- Some bugs were fixed and error messages are better now.
- When copying truth tables to clipboard the column names are also included.
- Default background made gray to be easier on eyes.
Changes in version
- The program is using .NET 7 now and do not required any .net to be installed in advance.
- With the new .NET the program is working slightly faster.
Changes in version
- The running circuits should work faster now.
- A couple of bugs were fixed.
Changes in version
- You can choose the shape of the circuit symbol in the circuit properties dialog.
- Igor Dobrača has translated program to Croatian.
- Some other small improvements and updates.
- Updated samples to use new feature of symbol shapes.
Changes in version
- Fixed minor bug.
- Updated version of .NET to 4.8.
- Update version of Iron Python.
Changes in version
- Button now can be associated with keyboard shortcut.
- Update version of Iron Python.
Changes in version
- Some typos were fixed in Swedish translation.
- Update version of Iron Python.
Changes in version
- Add zoom to graphics array, so each pixel can be bigger.
- The truth table dialog will preserve filter expressions for the logical circuit. You can access the previous expressions in the filter dropdown.
- Making all note editors using mono space font. This will allow a better tables.
- Implementing dual port memory. Now memory can independently output two values from two input addresses. The RAM will write the data using only first address.
- Replacing button reset to graphical order with a check box. So, it reflects the state of all pins on the circuit and allow to reset and restore graphical order.
- Updating target version of .net to 4.7.2
- Adding Swedish translation made by Vilgot Wahlgren.
Changes in version
- Copy/paste bug fixed.