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Good program - suggestions

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:56 am
by Jack
I really like this program - just started using it. Suggestions/questions:
1. When you save a diagram the file name doesn't appear anywhere on the screen. The left column says Circuit and the label at the top of the diagram says Circuit. Needs to indicate what file name it is saved under. Could put into the text comments, but this would be clumsy and may not have been updated as you would have to remember to do this each time you saved it.
2. The Truth Table is an excellent feature. However, there should be a way to put it into the diagram. That way when using the diagram to construct schematics the user could tell what logic was being implemented and ensure it was the logic needed.
3. Are things like 4-bit counters available? I am not sure the J-K flip flops meet that need. I am using the DM74163 synchronous counter and would like to use them in the diagrams.

Thanks, I really do like this program.


Re: Good program - suggestions

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 12:31 pm
by admin
Hi Jack,
When you save to the new file the name of file should be reflected at the title bar of the window.
The other names you are referring can be changed in the project properties and circuit properties.
For more details, please read help page at:
You can access all the help pages from:
For your second point you can add text note anywhere on the diagram. The truth table allows to select and copy rows in the table, so you should be able to easily create a note.
There are no embedded counters nor flip-flops. However, you can easily build your own or borrow someone else’s. Look through these forums or download sample files. You can find lots of different flip-flops and counters.

Re: Good program - suggestions

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:19 pm
by Jack
Thanks, I'll try your suggestions.


Re: Good program - suggestions

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 6:15 am
by Jack
I tried your suggestions. I don't see the file name on the title bar. I don't even see a title bar.

I can put the Truth Table in a text box. Best to copy it to Word first, then format as a table and paste it back into the text box.

Re: Good program - suggestions

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:19 pm
by admin
Here it is:
TitleBar.png (40.88 KiB) Viewed 7260 times
Please let me know if you have any other questions.