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I hope that LogicCiruit is improved a little more

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 3:45 am
by hl1ssg

I just find LogicCiruit during internet search. I downoad the program, and try a little.
This is great, but, I hope that I can specify input waveform for simulation.

For example, assume that A and B are input pins of my design.
Then, the following may be input waveform.

The meaning of the above 2 lines are as follows (this is simply an example).
To pin A, logic 1 is applied at time 0, logic 0 is applied at time 10,
logic 1 at time 20, logic 0 at time 30.
To B, logic 0 at time 0, logic 1 at time 5, logic 0 at time 25.
"Time:40" mean that simulation is performed from time 0 to time 40.

LogicCircuit may do simulation based on this input waveforms, and show waveforms at "probes" after simulation by Oscilloscope (or waveform viewer). I hope that the waveform data can be read from a text file.
If this feature is possible, Logic Ciruit may be perfect as a logic simulator.

Thanks for reading my article, and thanks for the great program.

Re: I hope that LogicCiruit is improved a little more

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2012 9:38 am
by admin
Thank you for suggestion. It is sound good. However can you please describe your scenario so I better understand your needs?
Thank you,