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UAL and futur CPU test

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2012 10:55 am
by Moroyoshi
Hi firstly i'm sorry for my english (i'm french)

After much search i have founded this program and i like it.

To improve my knowledge i have start to build a UAL with 16 functions (13 currently) on 4 bits.
Look at it and told me what you think.
If someone is open to try to create a CPU 4 or 8 bits,i'll be happy to try.


Re: UAL and futur CPU test

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 10:07 pm
by admin
Thank you for sharing your work.
It looks great. The only one thing – you are using splitters in an opposite way. There is a little triangle on the splitter that is marking low bit(s). You can hover mouse over splitter connectors to see bit numbers that they are associated with. The way you connected then is fine and will work until you’ll connect to primitive element like memory or multi bit inputs of LED matrix.
It is usually easy to connect splitters if you turn them the way you need while sect left or right oriented splitter.
Sure thing if you build a CPU and share it here it will be the first such project here.
Have fun designing you circuits,

Re: UAL and futur CPU test

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 10:30 am
by Moroyoshi

Thank's for the answer.
I'll change that mistake when i'll able to do.

I have much work to do and electronic is not my job :) so the project will be long ...