8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

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8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

Post by TCWORLD »

A circuit to multiply a pair of 8 bit numbers.
8 x 8 Binary Multiplier
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I plan to modify the circuit to be able to select whether it does Addition, Subtraction, or Multiplication, and possibly integer division aswell :D

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Re: 8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

Post by TCWORLD »

It can now do: A + B, A - B, B - A, - A - B, A x B.

Also, I have added a second thing i have been working on which is a modular method to do binary to BCD conversion with only Primitive logic gates. :D I have implimented a method which allows conversion of any number of binary bits by simply adding an extra chain of converters for each successive bit. The conversion chains can be made large using Carry In and Carry Out connections on each BCD Digit module.
The output of my ALU is converted to BCD and shown on a series of 7 segment display's

Math Logic.zip
8 x 8 Multiplier/Addition/Subtraction/BCD conversion.
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Re: 8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

Post by TCWORLD »

Inputs and outputs are now displayed in binary and decimal (decimal shows the operation aswell! :D)
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Basic Calculator (Without Division :S)
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Re: 8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

Post by TCWORLD »

I have begun trying to make it do Divide. At the moment all the division bit can do is give you an error if you try to divide by 0.
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Re: 8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

Post by admin »

That is really impressive.
Why don’t use multi bit wires? They will dramatically reduce number of wires you need to have between circuits.
Looking forward to see your division implementation
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Re: 8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

Post by TCWORLD »

R.E. the multibit wires, I have used in some places to save time, but most often I find it less confusing if i can see all of the wires. :)

I have worked out how long division should be doable in logic and have pretty much implimented it, there are just a couple of issues resulting in the wrong answer being given.
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Re: 8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

Post by TCWORLD »

Long Division is now implimented.
Logic Gate Calculator.zip
Logic gate Calculator (With +, -, x, and / functions)
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At the input there are now three buttons for selecting operation - The leftmost is: 1 = Add (Takes priority over other buttons), 0 = Multiply/Divide. For the middle one (Assuming the leftmost is 0): 0 = Multiply, 1 = Divide. For the Rightmost, during division: 0 = Quotient, 1 = Remainder.

If you try and divide by zero, the result is ErrOr. Apart from the divide by zero clause, all the division logic is contained within a circuit called "8-bit by 8bit Divider" (Under Complex Functions), and the block is placed inside the ALU.

I can provide more information if needed

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Re: 8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

Post by TCWORLD »

Found a bug in the circuit when returning from divide by 0, whereby it would show error as it is suppose to, but the ALU still tried to divide anyway, meaning that the first non divide by zero after it would be incorrect. Basically I had forgot to tell the ALU to not try and solve anything divided by zero. This is fixed by making it divide by 255 if you try and enter a zero divisor.
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Logic gate Calculator (With +, -, x, and / functions)
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Re: 8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

Post by Obershnaus »

Any plans for adding the operations with square roots and other mathematical operations (sinus, cosinus and so on)?

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Re: 8 X 8 Binary Multiplier

Post by TCWORLD »

Not unless you know of a way of doing that in Logic alone. I might have a look into it at some point though.
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