Add shortcuts for buttons

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Add shortcuts for buttons

Post by pallagj »

I've made the famous snake game, and I placed buttons on the main panel, for playability, would it be possible to assign keystrokes to each button? It is also very useful, for example, when I create a text editor program to assign keystrokes to each letter button.

:idea: So at each button settings, I need to set which key should activate that button.

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Re: Add shortcuts for buttons

Post by admin »

Thanks, that is good idea. I'll see what can be done.
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Re: Add shortcuts for buttons

Post by admin »

I've added the shortcuts to buttons. Please download new version.
Please note not all the key combinations are available. For example arrows, home, end, ins, del are not available.
Happy designing.
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Re: Add shortcuts for buttons

Post by pallagj »

It is soo Cool! :D
If anyone wants to try my snake game with the asdw keys you can do it now. 8-)

Thank you!!
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