part-13a. Key Service Routines

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Hans Cadans
Posts: 57
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:30 pm

part-13a. Key Service Routines

Post by Hans Cadans »

Hi every one.

First I have to say, I'm sorry, that it took so long to write this part.
I wrote the service routines for the next group keys:
Prog, Mem, Reg, Move and Rela

Inside the groups Prog and Mem, you can use the function-keys:
Data, Addr, +, -, INS and DEL

Inside the group Reg you can use the function-keys:
Data, Addr, + and -.

data: you can edit the addressed location in Program- or Data-memory, or the addressed register
addr: you can type the address of the location, or register you wanna edit
+ : go to the next location in memory, or to the next register
- : go to the previous location in memory, or to the previous register
INS : insert new data at the current location. (all data inside the same block of 256 words shift up)
DEL : delete the data at the current location. (all data inside the same block of 256 words shift down)

Inside the group Move and Rela, you can use the function-keys:
+, -

The Move operation displaces a block of data to an other place.
It consists of three steps: input start-, end- destination-address.
+ : go to the next step
- : go to the previous step

The Rela operation calculates the relative jump from one place to another .
It consists of two steps: input start-, end- destination-address.
+ : go to the next step
- : go to the previous step

Further more I've added some more functionality to the assembler (a excel application).
Now you can also create a Data-ROM. You will find a lot of explanation in this assembler.
On the sheet "Key services" you see the keys, that will be served, and those which won't, until now. (in red)
I will soon write these service routines. (Easy to say, hard to do)

At this moment you already can type a program in Program-Memory. You can fill Data-Memory with long-term data.
You can initiate register-values. You only cannot run your program yet.
I will try to realize this in the next few weeks (or month's). In any case, as quick as possible.
With the buttons PC and Go, you will be able to run your program.
With the buttons SBR and CBR, you can enter (or clear) a breakpoint in your progam.
When your program meets this address, the program stops and you can examine some values.
With the button "Step" you will able to execute your program, step by step, and in this way you can see,
if your program does the things, it has to do

And I have fixed some bugs, so I will also attach the new circuit.
Feel free to ask me anything about these applications.

See you
Hans Cadans

You can run the BIOS (Monitor) by using the buttons "RESET" and "User".
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