Two suggestions

If you have something to say about LogicCircuit program or you know how to improve it please share it here.
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Two suggestions

Post by Lucas »


Logic Circuit is a great program, congratulations :)

But there are two things I'd like you to fix or at least take into consideration.

1. When you copy and paste a fragment of circuit, the paste will always be in the place where it got copied. This itself is not a problem but when wires gets pasted over another ones they get sticked together, so when you then move it, you can see the wires got connected and you need to disconnect all wires manually, which is very annoying.

2. This is not something very important, really it's just a detail, but it seems to me that gates are a little bit too large comparing to input/output blocks and even more when comparing to "circuit boxes" (can't find a right name for it). So, it's not something clearly wrong, just think about whether you agree with me or not :D

Thanks in advance and keep up the good work,
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Re: Two suggestions

Post by admin »

Hi Lucas,
Thank you for your support and suggestions.
There are a little trick you can use when moving elements. If you hold Shift key before you release your mouse button then the move will not pull connected wires. The program is actually suggesting this in status bar at the bottom of the window when you dragging selection.
The sizes of gates are actually the same as sizes of symbols of other circuits and there is a reason for this. In some countries people using rectangular symbols of gates. You can observe this if you click menu Tools/Options. In the pop up dialog you select rectangular gate shape.
Hope this help,
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Re: Two suggestions

Post by Lucas »

Thanks for your response :D Maybe I'll start paying more attention to status bars in general, they can get quite useful. The trick with clicking shift while dragging helped.

Oh, and also. I've seen in the changelog that you had just recently implemented selection to choose the side where pins are located, for buttons, constants, sensors and buzzers. That's splendid! Can you make such an option for these too?

1. Input/output pins (not the pin position in the circuit symbol but the visual rotation of the element)
Image Image (the label should not rotate of course as in this picture :D)

2. Clocks
3. Splitters (top and bottom rotations)
4. LED diodes
5. Probes

By the way, I've tested many software for circuitry simulation but this one is probably not only the most attractive in terms of appearance and visual graphics (Logicly might be a little prettier but it's paid and much much slower) but also the most useful and productive (circuit symbols help here A LOT). It's also stunningly fast. So, you did a really good job :D
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Re: Two suggestions

Post by admin »

I am glad you like it.
I was thinking about position of pin on other elements. On input/output pins it will be confusing because it is already a position of pin itself on circuit symbol. So having another position will be really muddling. For splitters it is already possibility to choose from two different type of splitters. Finally all symbols can be just rotated so for sake of simplicity I think it is better keep it as it is. If you have strong argument against please let me know.
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Re: Two suggestions

Post by Pineapple »

I have been thinking about the button rotation as well. I understand that it would be a bit overly complicated to have separate choices for the orientation in the circuit AND the location of the pin on the circuit symbol. However I think that it would be nice if the orientation of the in/output MATCHED the side of the circuit its pin was on. That way it would be much easier to tell at a glance which pins would go where. All of the inputs facing right and all of the outputs facing left just feels a bit limiting.
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