tristate gate

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tristate gate

Post by Buehler »


I'm new here and try to figure out what I can do with this kind of simulation. Now I got a problem with my own design two channel tri state gate. I expect if I use the singe select button I get same logic level input and output. 32 bit tri state gate are the same but only the lower tri state gate is passing the signal. What’s wrong?

Tanks for help
two chanel tri state gate.CircuitProject
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Re: tristate gate

Post by admin »

I am sorry it took so long to get back to you.
This is not your fault, this is bug in the program.
I will try to find a good fix and publish it as soon as possible. For now, you can work around it if you just connect Probe to the connection of outputs of your two 32-bit tri- state circuits.
Best regards,
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Re: tristate gate

Post by admin »

The bug should be fixed now
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