Wire settings - right angles only

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Wire settings - right angles only

Post by Pineapple »

So in all of my designs I only use horizontal and vertical wires for the sake of readability. It takes quite a while to clean up circuits and adjust the wires because its so easy to make them slightly angled. How would you feel about adding an option that would lock wires to only 90 degree angles?

Also a quick question regarding wires: does performance decrease at all by using redundant wires? (aka several wires in a straight line connected to each other, that could be replaced by a single wire). I am attempting a large scale 16 bit cpu project, so I want to make sure that I don't lose any performance over the small things.
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Re: Wire settings - right angles only

Post by admin »

There is no performance penalties for length or number of wires. More over there is no decrease of performance on using sub-circuits.
When you turn power on it all get flatten and compiled to the network of directly linked functions and so wires and sub-circuits are not involved anymore.
If you struggling with cleaning up your circuits I suggest you make them smaller by creating sub circuits. This will lead to better design and less errors no only to ease of modifications.
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