Request to the webmaster

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Hans Cadans
Posts: 57
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:30 pm

Request to the webmaster

Post by Hans Cadans »


I would like to load-up my whole library, wich is divided in several parts (categories).
I'm thinking of doin' this step by step, because I prefer to keep the files synpotic.

Would it be a good idea, to place a message (in no reply mode) with only the text of the category and accompanied by the associated file.
I will be the only one, who is allowed to answer. I will then answer with the next category and so on.

The result will be a nice library with the name of the categories and the associated files in a nice sequense, without all kind of reactions in between
If there is a better solution, I would like to hear.

Hans Cadans
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Re: Request to the webmaster

Post by admin »

Hi Hans,
I guess you can’t disable comments on the topic on this forum software. But you still can upload multiple files in one or many topics and even if people will comment on them you might be find it valuable.
Hans Cadans
Posts: 57
Joined: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:30 pm

Re: Request to the webmaster

Post by Hans Cadans »

Hi Eugene,

of course I want other people to comment on this topic, because other people might have great ideas.
Hereby I'm thinking of the topic, as the ROM-counter, sent by Alexander. Maybe not practical, but sure original.
Last night I've got a idea. Everytime I've finished a new category, I replace the original message and add a new file

By the way, what's wrong with the fact, that one uses the splitters up-side down?
I'm consequently using the system, most significant bits (buttons) above or left, least significant bits under or right.
I've done this for one reason, when you replace inputs or outputs from the left/right side to the bottom/upper side, they remain orderd correctly.

Hans cadans
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